Sergej  Djuranovic, PhD

Sergej Djuranovic, PhD

Primary Academic Title

Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology, Washington University School of Medicine

Research Interest

Regulation of mRNA metabolism plays a crucial rule in post-transcriptional gene regulation. RNA metabolism is regulated through the interplay of different ceullualar factors that contrl mRNA translation, modifications, localization and ultimately decay. Alterations of these factors lead to development of human cancer. We are interested in undstanding the cellular functions as well as biochemical mechanisms of these ceulluar factors, maily short RNA's and RNA binding proteins, and their role in tumorigensis.


  • 2006: PhD, biochemnistry, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tuebingen, Germany


  • 2007 - 2012: Postdoctural fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baltimore

Selected Research Publications

Role of U11/U12 minor spliceosome gene ZCRB1 in Ciliogenesis and WNT Signaling.
  • Powell-Rodgers G, Pirzada MUR, Richee J, [...] Djuranovic S
  • bioRxiv 2024

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