Education & Training Advisors

Siteman Cancer Center’s Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC) is guided by approximately 40 leaders and from various WashU training programs and resource offices. These leaders are comprised of faculty members, early career faculty scholars, postdoctoral investigators, predoctoral students, and undergraduates.

Applications are currently open to become a scholar advisor for Siteman’s Cancer Research Education and Training Coordination (CRTEC).

Applications require a brief letter of support from the trainee’s mentor providing endorsement of the trainee and acknowledgement of the commitment, as well as a brief statement describing your interest and the perspective you will bring to the committee.

Click HERE to apply!

Faculty Advisors

The Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC) at Siteman Cancer Center (SCC) receives guidance and feedback from internal advisors from throughout WashU. Advisors include cancer research training program leaders, institutional resource office leads, and current and past research scholars.

Eva Aagaard, Senior Associate Dean of Medical Education

Paola Cepeda, Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Roberto Civitelli, Director, Skeletal Disorders T32

Graham Colditz, MPI Cancer Prevention & Control T32

Joseph Culver, PI of 21st Century Imaging Sciences Graduate Student Training T32

Jorge DiPaola, MPI NCI Pediatrics T32; Associate Director, MSTP

Bettina Drake, Associate Director of Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) for SCC

Ryan Fields, PI of the STARR NCI R38 Program

Nick Fisher, Executive Director of Business Affairs for SCC

Will Gillanders, MPI, Surgical Oncology NCI T32; Director, SPORE in Pancreatic Cancer Career Enhancement Program

Ramaswamy Govindan, Assistant Director of SCC’s CRTEC; MPI of the NCI Paul Calabresi K12

Aimee James, Associate Director or SCC’s CRTEC; MPI & Director of the Cancer Prevention & Control NCI T32

Tim Ley, Director of the Physician Scientist Training Program

Dan Link, PI of the Leukemia SPORE

Jeff Magee, Pediatric Oncology

Steven Mennerick, Associate Dean for Graduate Education

Stephen Oh, Director of the Molecular Hematology T32

Jay Piccirillo, PI of the CTSA TL1 Program

Matthew Powell, Chief of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology

Lee Ratner, PI of  the Molecular Oncology NCI T32; Assistant Director of Siteman Cancer Center’s CRTEC

Cliff Robinson, Radiation Oncology Faculty Training

Joshua Rubin, MPI Pediatrics NCI T32

Vetta Sanders Thompson, Associate Director of SCC’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Assistant Director of SCC’s CRTEC

Robert Schreiber, PI of the Immunobiology NCI T32 Program

Julie Schwarz, Co-Director of the Cancer Biology PhD Degree Program

James Skeath, MPI, Undergraduate MARC U-STAR and Cellular & Molecular Biology T32 Programs

Sheila Stewart, Associate Director of Basic Science for SCC

David Warren, Director of the Clinical Research Training Center

Jason Weber, Assistant Director of SCC’s CRTEC; Co-Director of the Cancer Biology PhD Degree Program

Sherree Wilson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity & Inclusion at WashU School of Medicine


Scholar Advisors

Our scholar advisors range from undergraduate students through early career faculty career levels. They are required to be actively conducting cancer-related research under the mentorship of a Siteman member.

Scholar advisors are expected to attend quarterly advisement meetings with the full committee and participate in working groups to guide various projects such as the annual Cancer Research Symposium. Scholar advisors may also be given the opportunity to lead new initiatives as part of Siteman’s CRTEC.

Contact Us

Questions about Siteman Cancer Center training and education opportunities may be sent to [email protected].