Clifford Luke, PhD

Clifford Luke, PhD

Primary Academic Title

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Newborn Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine

Research Interest

The role of proteases and their inhibitors in lysosomal mediated cell death pathways, the role of lysosomal membrane permeability in tumor cells in response to radiation and chemotherapeutics and ways to exacerbate cell death in response to these stressors


  • 1998: PhD, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.


  • 1998 - 2001: Postdoctoral fellow, The Children's Hospital, Boston
  • 1998 - 2001: Research fellow, pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston

Selected Research Publications

The tetraspanin CD53 protects stressed hematopoietic stem cells via promotion of DREAM complex-mediated quiescence.
  • Greenberg ZJ, Paracatu LC, Monlish DA, [...] Luke CJ, Schuettpelz L
  • Blood 2023