Shared Resources (Cores)

In support of its research activities, the Siteman Cancer Center has developed a number of shared resources. These resources are available to all Siteman investigators to facilitate their research agendas. They provide state-of-the-art technology, usually at a price substantially less than what would be required to duplicate the capabilities within investigators’ individual laboratories.

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Siteman Flow Cytometry Core Director Bill Eades in his lab.

CCSG members are eligible for subsidy. See the CCSG Member List to confirm your status.

Other SCC Facilities

OVCR Shared Resources (Core) Database

Washington University has a variety of research core services in addition to those directly supported by the Siteman Cancer Center.  For a list of available Washington University research cores, please visit the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) Core Directory.

NCCN Shared Resources Database

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has established the NCCN Shared Resources Database for scientists and investigators at NCCN Member Institutions in order to provide resources that will improve the ability to advance cancer therapies through quality research. While each NCCN Member Institution has its own core resources, the number and types of resources vary from center to center. This database enables participating cancer centers access to state‐of‐the‐art research technology, equipment, technical support, data, and biostatistics services at NCCN sites that would be too difficult or expensive for individual investigators or programs to develop and maintain. To use this website, you must be a registered user on the NCCN website using an institutional email address. Personal emails will not be able to access this secure website. If you are not yet registered with NCCN as a member, go to Once registered, or if already a registered NCCN user, go to to access the NCCN Shared Resources Database.