Bladder Cancer

The Siteman Cancer Center sees on average 200 new cases of bladder cancer a year. Our urological cancer team is one of the most experienced in the world in performing nerve-sparing bladder removal and creating neobladders, replacement bladders made out of intestinal tissue. Instead of creating an opening to the skin to divert urine, the surgeon places the new bladder where the cancerous bladder was removed. This surgical technique allows both men and women to achieve nearly normal continence.

Andriole Lp

The Siteman Approach

Treatment used for bladder cancer depends on the stage at which it is diagnosed, whether the cancer has spread outside the bladder, the patient’s age and personal wishes.

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Symptoms, risk and diagnosis

Specialists at Siteman excel in using technology and their experience to make an accurate diagnosis.

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Treatments for bladder cancer

There are different types of treatment for patients with bladder cancer, depending on the stage and grade of the cancer and the person’s overall health.

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