Imaging and Response Assessment Core (IRAC)


Barry Siegel, MD
Marilyn Siegel, MD

Website: Please click here for additional core information.

The Imaging and Response Assessment Core (IRAC) is a shared resource (SR) that focuses on accurate and reproducible assessment of imaging-based measurements in clinical cancer research at Siteman Cancer Center (SCC). The IRAC assists in building imaging science into institutional clinical research early in project development, thus capitalizing on the use of imaging biomarkers of tumor response to provide critical information for optimum management and interpretation of therapeutic trials. The IRAC also provides support services, including coordinator services, regulatory support, and standard image-based response assessments, to facilitate reliable use of imaging in cancer clinical trials.

Aim 1: To facilitate the use of both conventional and novel anatomical and molecular imaging methods for assessing tumor biology and predicting and monitoring response to therapeutic interventions in cancer clinical trials.

This is accomplished by providing a range of services, including protocol development and review, specification of imaging parameters to be used in clinical trials, coordinator support of imaging studies to ensure protocol compliance, quality control of images, and qualitative and quantitative analysis of the resultant imaging studies.

Aim 2: To implement novel software tools for image quantification and response evaluation. IRAC gives priority to support of institutional trials conducted by SCC members, but also provides services for trials sponsored by the NCI National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) and industry. The goals of IRAC focus on increasing the impact that quantitative imaging plays in cancer research by providing image support and analysis services that are not available elsewhere within the medical center. The IRAC has been very successful since its inception and during the current project period, and we expect the approach outlined herein will continue to be successful and will further increase the use of appropriately selected imaging in phase I, II, and III studies.

LOCATION: Please contact this shared resource directly for physical location.

PRICING: Please contact the core for current pricing of services offered.

TO ACCESS: contact Lora Gallagher, 314-747-4065 or email [email protected]

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Siteman Cancer Center Imaging and Response Assessment Core (IRAC)

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IRAC Service Expectations Information

NIH PUBLIC ACCESS POLICY: As of April 7, 2008, the NIH requires investigators with a publication using Siteman (or other NIH-funded) shared resources to submit (or have submitted for them) their final, peer reviewed manuscripts to PubMed Central(PMC) upon acceptance of publication, to be made publicly available within 12 months of publication. Many journals automatically submit these for authors, but Washington University also has assistance available through the Becker Medical Library. Please see,upon%20acceptance%20of%20the%20publication for more information.

PUBLICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: If research supported by the Imaging and Response Assessment Core results in publication, please acknowledge this support by including the following in your publication(s):

We thank the Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO., for the use of the Imaging and Response Assessment Core, which provided __________ service. The Siteman Cancer Center is supported in part by an NCI Cancer Center Support Grant #P30 CA091842.

Users without established funding are encouraged to apply for JIT fundingthrough the ICTS.