Biomedical Informatics Bootcamp

With the evolution of cancer informatics, one of Washington University’s institutional strengths, informatics has become a major emphasis of the Molecular Oncology T32 – Cancer Biology Pathway. As a result, this workshop was developed through a partnership between the Siteman Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination Component, the Siteman Informatics Core Services and the Molecular Oncology T32 – Cancer Biology Pathway.


Registration is closed. Please contact us at [email protected] for questions and added information. Complementary and supplemental educational material accessible to registered participants through Canvas.

Note: All attendees will need to bring a laptop for active participation.


Tuesdays at 12:30 – 1:30 PM
Farrell Learning and Teaching Center 402

November 1: Introduction to biomedical data collection, management and representation.

November 8: Applied data analytics and data visualization methods in biomedical informatics.

November 15: Discovery science utilizing open data with an emphasis on ethical and social issues in biomedical research. Demonstration on how to present biomedical data results.

November 22: No Session

November 29 & December 6: Introduction & RNAseq

  • Introduction to command line programming and cloud computing (general bioinformatics)
  • Reference genome, transcriptome and other common inputs to bioinformatics analyses (RNAseq)
  • Sequence alignment, assembly, transcript identification and abundance estimation (RNAseq)
  • Demonstration on how one could sign into a cloud compute resource like Amazon, get to a preconfigured virtual machine for command line analysis, walk through a demo of bulk RNAseq analysis from raw data to differential expression analysis, and then point to our online materials for other topics.



Zachary Abrams, PhDZach Abrams 222x222

Biostatistics, Institute for Informatics
Washington University




Griffith MalachiMalachi Griffith, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Medicine – Oncology Division
Washington University




Obi Griffith, PhDGriffith Obi

Associate Professor
Department of Medicine – Oncology Division
Department of Genetics
McDonnell Genome Institute
Washington University


Session recordings are available with a WUSTL Key. Click HERE for access.


Contact Us

[email protected]