Kia L. Davis, ScD, MPH

Kia L. Davis, ScD, MPH

Primary Academic Title

Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Public Health Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine

Research Interest

Understanding stress as a potential mediating pathway in the relationship between socioeconomic status and cancer risk factors; Improving measurement of socioenvironmental stressors in diverse populations and using methods that allow for a more comprehensive measurement of stressors that one may encounter; and Developing scalable interventions to reduce the burden of cancer risk in communities of color


  • 2015: ScD, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston


  • 2015 - 2017: Postdoctoral fellow, cancer health disparities training program, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Selected Research Publications

Understanding disruptions in cancer care to reduce increased cancer burden.
  • Davis KL, Ackermann N, Klesges LM, [...] Sanders Thompson VL
  • Elife 2023
Community Research Fellows Training Program: Evaluation of a COVID-19-Precipitated Virtual Adaptation.
  • Ackermann N, Humble S, Coats JV, [...] Davis KL
  • Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023

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