January 31, 2024
Episode 16

3x Cancer Survivor: “I adjusted my attitude, my pace and my face.”

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Siteman Cancer Center patient Cheryl shares the motivation that helped her endure three separate cancer diagnoses, a stem cell transplant and CAR T-cell therapy. Her Washington University medical oncologist, Amanda Cashen, MD, joins to explain the scientific advancements that saved Cheryl’s life and allowed Cheryl to hold her first grandchild. Dr. Cashen also highlights new positive trends in treating all blood cancers.

“This is Cancer” is brought to you by Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and produced at Spot Content Studio in St. Louis, MO.

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Patients are at the heart of the "This is Cancer" podcast. We gather real patient stories so that we can continue to inform, uplift and inspire our whole Siteman community season after season. If you want to share your experience or have an idea about an episode, please reach out! This form is HIPPA compliant. Use as much detail as feels comfortable. Submitted stories will not be used prior to getting your personal, written authorization. If we plan to use your story, we will be in touch. Thank you.