Siteman Trainee Travel Awards

Planning to attend a workshop or conference to present your cancer research or cancer disparities research? Apply for up to $1,500 in travel funds!


The Siteman Trainee Travel Award supports scholars in career development related to cancer research or cancer health disparities research by providing reimbursement (i.e. registration, airfare, hotel, etc.) to present research at conferences and/or attend workshops/trainings.

Scholars who are Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) and/or women are strongly encouraged to apply.


  1. Trainee must be affiliated with a member of Siteman Cancer Center through Washington University, BJC, Children’s Hospital, SLU, or University of Missouri
    – All cancer related research and cancer disparities research trainees encouraged to apply
  2. Must be a pre-doctoral trainee (doctoral student), postdoctoral trainee, research fellow, or early career faculty (instructor or assistant professor who has not yet held an R01 award).
  3. Conference location must be within the domestic USA; includes Canada, Mexico, and US Territories
  4. This award may be used as a supplement to other scholarships, but may not be used to duplicate other resources


Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed according to dates within cycle timelines as seen below.

Complete application package must be received at least four weeks prior to travel date.


Application Pre-Approval

  1. The maximum available per person is $1,500.
  2. Priority will be given to those who have not received a travel award in the past.
  3. This is a competitive award. Travel Award application must be submitted for approval prior to attending conference/workshop.
  4. Scholarships will be awarded to reimburse for registration, airfare, hotel expenses; funds cannot be provided in advance.
  5. Travel, meetings, and/or conferences must be in the United States, Canada, Mexico or within the U.S. Possessions.
  6. Prioritization is be given to applicants attending conferences giving 1) oral presentations, 2) poster presenters, or 3) attending workshops/trainings. Multiple roles at the conference increases competitiveness.
  7. Attendance, participation, and presentation(s) must be related to cancer research or cancer health disparities.

Application Requirements

A complete application must include the following four components:

  1. Complete online application, including:
    – General applicant information
    – Conference information (dates, location, trainee role, etc)
    – Short description of research presented or intended training assuring cancer relevance in lay language (500 character limit)
    – Describe how your specific presentation or attendance at the conference/workshop will benefit your research and promote your professional career more generally (i.e. job prospects, academic standing, etc.) (500 character limit)
    – Statement of commitment to diverse value system
    REDcap demographics survey
  2. Research Abstract (upload at the end of the online application)
  3. CV (upload at the end of the online application)
  4. Letter of support (optional LOS from dept chair  for Assistant Professor level; 1 page limit; upload at the end of the online application) from mentor that includes verbiage related to:
    – As applicable, provide language confirming role at institution and cancer relevance (predoc, postdoc, Instructor, etc.)
    – Recommendation for travel award

Cycle Timelines

Siteman Travel Award Cycles   


Travel Month Application Deadline Review Month Notification to Applicants
Cycle 1 October-December 30-Sep-24 October late Oct-early Nov
Cycle 2 January-March 31-Dec-25 January late Jan-early Feb
Cycle 3 April-June 31-Mar-25 April late Apr-early May
Cycle 4 July-September 30-Jun-25 July late July-early Aug
Schedule may be subject to slight modifications. Future cycles are subject to funding availability and will be posted online accordingly.


Awardee Requirements

  1. The following statement must be included on presentations supported by this award: “Travel was made possible in part by grant 3P30CA091842-22S4 (Eberlein, PI) funded by the National Cancer Institute”
  2. All reimbursement requests (e.g. travel forms, etc) must be received by Siteman Cancer Center within three weeks of travel completion (last day of the conference) for reimbursement. Those awarded post conference are given three weeks from notification to submit for reimbursements.
    – Original itemized receipts are required.
    – A reimbursement form and instructions to mail receipts will be provided.
  3. Awardees will be required to complete a short Post Conference Award Report that describes how the conference helped your career objectives and research, and what professional connections were made. The format and other information will be sent to scholarship recipients.

Contact Us

[email protected]