Research Focus Groups


Siteman Cancer Center supports 12 disease-specific focus groups, as well as the disease-agnostic Developmental Therapeutics Center for Gene and Cellular Immunotherapy groups. Each group is led by a multidisciplinary leadership team (typically one radiation oncologist, one surgical oncologist, and one medical oncologist) and meets at least quarterly. Research focus group leaders evaluate the feasibility of all new trials within their group and assess all active trials with low accrual for possible closure. At quarterly meetings, each research focus group serves as an interactive and productive venue for discussion of new basic research and clinical trial concepts as well as new collaborative translational opportunities. The focus group meeting structure supports frequent review of disease site–specific research in all stages of development, implementation, and analysis. This structure allows for discussion of competing protocols, informed prioritization of clinical trials, early identification of poorly performing studies, and development of action plans to promote accrual, when necessary.

The Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee works very closely with disease-specific research focus groups. This close collaboration creates a two-stage review for all new cancer trials submitted at Siteman. Every study protocol is evaluated by the relevant research focus group and prioritized in the context of that specific disease’s portfolio of active and pending clinical trials. Authority for final prioritization rests with the PRMC, which can accept or decline the initial prioritization by the research focus groups.  Research focus group approval is required in order for a study to be reviewed by PRMC.

Focus Group Leaders