Research and Clinical Trials

BioBank Core

The Young Onset Colorectal Cancer program includes a prospective clinical registry and biospecimen repository. The purpose of these resources are to provide detailed clinical information and specimens for ongoing studies critical to understanding the causes and optimal treatment for young onset cancers. Patients interested in participating or contributing to these resources should speak with their cancer providers.

How do you obtain samples?

There are a couple ways we can obtain a biological sample. First, we may simply use discarded material (such as extra fluid or tissue) that’s left over after  a medical test or procedure. While any extra material is usually thrown away after a procedure, we may use that extra material for research – with your permission, of course.

We can also collect an extra tube of blood as part of a future blood draw or IV placement during routine clinical care at Barnes-Jewish Hospital or Washington University School of Medicine.

What do you use samples for?

When you donate a biological sample, there are three ways we might use it:

  • We may study your DNA by comparing it to others’ DNA in the BioBank to identify differences that could make someone more or less likely to develop certain conditions;
  • We may take cells from your sample and treat them so that they become a permanent “cell line” (we can grow them in a lab whenever we need them);
  • We may transform your cells into different types of cells for use in future studies.
Will I benefit from donating a biological sample?

While you will not benefit from donating a sample to the BioBank, your sample may help others with gastrointestinal diseases in the future. Your DNA may contribute to research discoveries, allowing for more personalized treatments for future colorectal cancer patients.